Danielle Cordelia Grimm Customized Muscle Therapy & Bodywork

Massage therapist treating a client.


Welcome to my Website! If you’re looking for a professional, perceptive massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place! I will work with you to create a treatment plan that will help you reach your wellness goals.

I have a variety of techniques that I use in your session, and you can click on the "Services" page to learn more about them! The smooth, flowing strokes of a Swedish massage are the foundation, while techniques like trigger point therapy and stretching are peppered throughout, giving the muscles the treatment they need without being overwhelming.

I am currently working with the wonderful staff of Salon Aquavit in Milford, NH on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. If you’d like to set up an appointment with me at the salon, the number is 603.673.6006. I can also travel to your location and bring healing massage to you! Please feel free to use the "Contact Me" page to send me an email. I will work around your schedule! 

Thank you so much for visiting! I hope to see you soon! 


Be well! 
